Hi, I Am Raymond van Hemert

My story started in December 2017. After having lived in my birth country Suriname for over 15 years I came ‘back’ to the Netherlands for a new adventure. One day I decided to do something crazy; GO ICESKATING
Little did I know that from that day on, I would be totally addicted to this beautiful gliding sport. What sane South American person goes ice skating right?

But the passion was immense and before long I would be joining my first “treintjes” and experience my first tour on natural ice. Summer came. I exchanged blades for wheels and discover the beautiful Dutch countryside. By this time the passion was so strong, I wanted to share my love and experience with others who, like me, where new to the sport.

Today I am a licenced ice&inline skating instructor, a personal trainer&coach, a competitive marathon and longtrack ice-and-inline skater and a vlogger under my brand called Skatography.

And the story does not end there! because my ambitions grow by the day, so who knows one day I will be joining the greats as a Olympic coach.

to be continued…


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