Gymzaal De Kloek, Middenbeemster

Winter Inline Speed Skating with Skatography & IJs en Inlineskateclub Purmerend

This winter season, Skatography is excited to team up with IJs en Inlineskateclub Purmerend to offer even more indoor inline speed skating training! Thanks to this special collaboration, you can now train on Sundays at the old gym of De Kloek, a spacious indoor gym perfectly suited for honing your skating skills.

Whether you’re a competitive skater or just getting started, we have something for everyone. Our mixed-level training is designed to cater to a range of abilities, allowing everyone to develop their skills in a supportive, energetic environment.

Why Choose De Kloek Sunday Training?

  • Inclusive for All Levels: Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, our mixed-level training ensures everyone benefits from expert guidance.
  • Top-Class Facilities: De Kloek’s wooden-floor gym provides the perfect balance of grip and smoothness, enhancing your speed and control.
  • Winter Training Advantage: Don’t let the cold weather slow you down! Continue your speed skating training all winter long, staying in peak shape for the upcoming season.

If you’re looking to sharpen your technique, boost your endurance, or simply maintain your form, these Sunday sessions are the ideal option. Whether you’re aiming for competitive success or simply want to enjoy skating at your own pace, our tailored training will help you reach your goals.

Training in Middenbeemster are held very

  • Sunday from 10:30 to 12:00

the inner court is used for beginners and mid level skaters while the outside ring is reserved for the faster riders.

Join us this winter and keep skating strong through the colder months. Sign up now to reserve your spot!

In association with IJS-en-InlineSkateClub Purmerend

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